To sing is to truly be yourself.
The voice is an honest instrument, reflecting the exact state of being you are in. That is what makes singing so powerful. It is not just about creating music, but about gifting oneself to the audience through that process. This is why many singers say “When I’m on stage, I can’t hide myself behind an instrument or anything! I feel almost naked!”
Singing is a never-ending journey of growth both vocally and personally, and as challenging as it may sometimes be, it is also one of the most rewarding experiences.
My approach to singing is full of color. And I mean a lot of color.
It is my biggest passion to explore the vast possibilities of the human voice and to use these discoveries in singing and vocal creations. The more colors I uncover, the more effortlessly I can express exactly what I want.
That being said, you can expect to see me performing in a Jazz concert one night and in a classical concert the next! With my background in both jazz/pop and classical music, I feel fortunate to be able to express myself vocally across these genres, each in its own authentic style.
If you are interested in collaborating or would like to take singing lessons, I would love to hear from you. Don’t hesitate to reach out!
Yours in music,
Amy Frega